
CENS organises symposiums, study days and thematic seminars, occasionally in collaboration with other laboratories. It also organises annual seminars : les Impromptus du Cens, les Chantiers de recherche, les Ficelles de la thèse and le Cens du Quanti.

Symposiums, study days and thematic seminars

Les Impromptus du Cens

 The aim of this seminar is to invite social science researchers to present and discuss their recently published work.


Les Chantiers de recherche

This internal seminar is restricted to CENS members. It gives PhD students and researchers the opportunity to present their current research and to share their questions, problems and difficulties with the rest of the team.

Les Ficelles de la thèse

 A seminar where CENS doctoral students invite a young doctor in social science to present their career and work.

Le Cens du Quanti

This seminar covers all issues relating to data construction, its analysis and the administration of quantitative evidence.
Mis à jour le 18 juin 2024.